Imagine trying to make traditional hot chocolate with an iron kettle while this chick is thrashing around in the fireplace and splashing you with scalding liquid.
"Where's the damn tree and the presents!?" They're right behind you, and they're not on fire and melted. I was going to put her under a tree and have the tree be burnt to a crisp and the presents underneath melted but it got a bit too... messy for lack of a better word. Without going on a tangent, it wasn't feasible, so we stuck her in the fireplace.
I am particularly pleased with how her underwear turned out. When I first saw her, my immediate thought was "Daybreaker looks like a wow character. We could probably stick her in molten core." So her underwear wouldn't look out of place on some sexy blood elf.
With this we are officially down to the last two MLP g4 princesses I'm willing to do: Queen Novo and that Kirin one. Tell me in the comments: Does the Tantabus count? Because she could be number three somewhere down the road.
Merry Christmas to everyone reading this and viewing this image.