# (LOWERED PRICE) YCH #26 - SPHINX FOOD (vore comic)
THAT'S RIGHT, fuzz butts. I've decided to opt in to do a SECOND one of this comic for 1 more lucky (or unlucky, depending on how you look at it) victim of a gorgeous sphinx's gullet! This time... I'll be running it at EITHER 95 usd, OR (like last time), you can HIT ME WITH YOUR BEST OFFER!
(again, my preference is endosoma/non-fatal vore, in case you didn't tell)
Our poor victim here (you) got her riddle wrong, and the penalty for guessing incorrectly is... you guessed it... LUNCH TIME!
Now... who is the unlucky (or, in my honest opinion, "lucky") sap that will be on this journey into the squishy walls of the big cat's tummy?
(Obvious copy-and-paste is obvious.)
As usual, you can comment below OR send me a note/email, if you want it.
Also, ANY gender, ANY species (preferably a quadrupedal, but a biped is good, too), and ANY face expressions per panel.
The overall comic will be finished with full color, minimal highlighting, shading and other details you can tell me about.
Can be NSFW, for a little extra pay.
As usual, accepting payments via PayPal and/or Ko-Fi (Stripe)!
This is my last one before moving on to a XMAS-themed YCH, so hop to it!
Oh, and for the past "victim" who claimed the previous spot, don't worry. Your time is coming. 😉
With all that said, fire away!
Oh, and don't forget my Bluesky account.
ALSO also, in case it wasn't obvious by now, I'm still in need of help, even more so after paying SOME of my bills for December. Until I know for sure if I'll get ANY school loans starting January, I will need all hands/hooves/paws/claws on deck.