Fluttershy couldn't help it, she had to poke her head into the portal her friend Twilight had conjured up. Something about 'trying to study other dimensions' or something. All she knew was that she had heard small noises... cute noises... on the other side and wanted to sneak a peak.
Needless to say, she was not expecting what she saw... and from the look of things... neither were the small creatures on the other side. A glittering city that rivaled that of Manehattan... only (from her perspective) in miniature. The creatures were odd too, bipedal organisms dressed in all manner of clothing. Not a mane, tail, wings, or horn to be found ANYWHERE. Despite this, the shy pegasus had to admit... they looked cute.
"Uh... Twilight, I... think there's something... different... about this dimension." she gasped out loud.
Had found this older bing piece lying around my hard drive. Decided to share it.