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Kinktober Day 17: Transformation!
Nightmare Night, what a fright! Discord is back to his old tricks of turning ponies into other ponies and causing chaos!
Image Description:
A scene of Discord transforming a bunch of ponies into different ponies by turning their costumes into ponysuits. From left to right we have a blue gryphon named Appleody transforming into Ember the Dragon Lord; a red haired human woman named Rosalie transforming into Sunset Shimmer; a brown and green earth pony named Cutting Edge becoming Twilight Sparkle; a Red pegasus named Moonatik becoming Rarity; a black gryhon named Joan becoming Starlight Glimmer; and a purple unicorn named Vogia becoming Trixie. In the background is a nice nighttime scene of ponyville and the Golden Oak library. Discord is grinning and singing "Nightmare Night, what a fright! Let's be someone new tonight!" as he turns Cutting Edge into Twilight Sparkle.
(For the Ponysuits Discord server)