Made in Colaboration with the talented animator ZeWurst, this work contains three animated sequences of around 30 seconds and more, featuring the lovely freshmen from Canterlot High: Scootaloo, Apple Bloom and Sweetie Belle. This pack has a bit of everything, story in image sequences, edits, a comic intro and outro, and of course the animations aforementioned. If you want to see the young and lovely CMCs, spending the night in the buff, can dropping delicious loads of butt chocolate, this pack is for you. And it may have animations, but it’s only 30USD as EVERY pack i’ve released to sale :3
Now with a PERMANENT DISCOUNT, TEN DOLLARS OFF. If you haven't purchased your copy, now is your chance.
The Canterlot Movie Club, in lovely show accurate, are waiting for you with a smile and nothing more, and with lots of Butt-Chocolate ready and animated for you :3