Windy: Worried Oh, my Celestia! Scootaloo! You’re hurt! My poor little angelcake! Show me it!
Scootaloo: Whimpers as she shakes her head
Windy: Worried-Softly Scootaloo… Please… I’m your mommy… It’s my job to help you and your sister… Please, show Mommy your ouchy… Please…
Scootaloo sniffs as she leaks tears and shows her mom the scrape
Windy: Sympathetically Awww…. Does it hurt…?
Scootaloo: Crying softly Y-Y-Yes…
Windy: Pulls her adopted daughter into a hug Shhh… Shhh… There, there, baby… It’s okay…
Scootaloo: Crying N-N-No, i-it’s not…
Windy: Hugs Scootaloo even more You’re right, Scoots… It isn’t… I know it isn’t, but it will be… You are a brave girl for telling me… Admitting that you are hurt or even crying because of it is completely ok and not a sign of weakness… Even strong heroes know not to bottle up their pain and emotions, afraid of what somepony might think of them, especially in front of their family… I’m so proud of you… Come on, let’s get that injury cleaned and wrapped up…
Ouch… Poor Scootaloo has had a bit of a nasty tumble and hurt herself… Luckily, Windy is there to comfort her daughter.
Scootaloo is adopted by Bow Hothoof and Windy Whistles after her original family pass away.
The events of Season 8-9 (With the exception of The Washouts, Sound of Silence and Best Gift Ever) and Rainbow Roadtrip are not canon.
Base Used: https://www.deviantart.com/saramanda101/art/Filly-Hugging-a-Mare-387922124