Princess Luna : "Celestia... dispose of Pinkie Pie, or at least distract her, lest she gobble up all this hot fudge while it's still cooking."
Just in time for Halloween, also known as Nightmare Night in Equestria, here is a My Little Pony deviation that parodies the famous IDW Comics My Little Pony: Friendship is Magic front cover by artist Andy Price. Instead of a devious love potion or spell, the alicorn princesses are stirring a big cauldron full of hot fudge, complete with marshmallows and orange slice garnishes. Little baby Flurry Heart sits on top of her mommy Princess Cadance's head while enjoying Pinkie Pie's unhinged excitement. At the base of the cauldron Minuette, also known as Colgate, demonstrates good dental hygiene with a smiling pumpkin.
This is one of the most detailed and complicated deviations I've created in a long time. It incorporates the original ink drawing, additional digital line art in Krita, and of course the fun part of coloring it. It has well over 20 layers of elements. This premium deviation comes with four files -- the full-size color deviation, the original ink drawing, the completed ink and digital line art, and the Krita (.KRA) document with all the layers.
Created at the University of Hawaii at Manoa in Honolulu, Hawaii on October 13-16, 2024.