Creeptober 25 - Distance
Cover for the Sunset Archives chapter 9 - Speed
Statement of Rainbow Dash, regarding the disappearance of Zephyr Breeze.
"Well, I figured out a way I can microdose on fear, and when I tell you, you’re gonna kick yourself for not figuring it out. I race people. Not running, people know by now that I can outstrip cars on foot. Nah, I started drag racing.
…Are you kicking yourself? Are you?
Oh. You aren’t. Don’t look at me like that, it’s perfectly safe. Well, for me it is, and nobody else has gotten hurt yet.
I just go up to a crowd of people who seem like they might be interested and I ask a few of ‘em to race me. If they say yes, great. If not, move onto somebody else. There’s a lot of people in this world, and any one of ‘em is as good as another for my purposes. Bonus, the person who said ‘no’ now realizes that too, and the wave of insignificance they get is a nice little consolation snack for me.
So, I get a group of schmucks together. Sometimes it’s in Canterlot, but people around here are starting to get wise to me, so I tend to go to nearby towns more and more often. Sometimes we put some money on the line, sometimes not. I don’t bother picking up my winnings, though. It adds another level of insignificance, that ‘I don’t care about you or your money’ kinda deal. We all line up at a traffic light, and peel right out of town. I let ‘em think they’ve got a chance at first, let one get close to passing me every now and again, but once we’re out of Canterlot and into the countryside, I zip ahead of them, away, away into the night. They’re all left eating my dust, boggling at how I was just toying with them all along."