With so many newcomers visiting Ponesmouth recently we had to visit the local bakery to slim down the numbers of tourists that were roaming the streats. (While at the same time thickenign our waistlines).
Lunar, our baker, is a lovely mare who helps to made confections out of ponies that we want to eat when we desire sweets rather than the savory meals of pony meat without any dressings. All we had to do first was round up all these ponies bring them to her and we had a big squirming pony cake to enjoy.
Though, with 150 ponies to stuff down our gullets we ended up a little full and bloated. Just a little~ Even my toilet wouldn’t be able to handle this load, so a short stroll to the ocean and we disposed of our prey peacefully while it built up below the cliffside. Might take a while for the tides to wash away this mess, but it will take even longer for us to exercise you guys off of us.
Thanks for 150 followers!
Featuring Gwen Greenear’s Lunar Baker and a little snack bug names Chrono who seems to be the next in line for a sweet treat in her display case.
Thanks to our Cultist+ Patrons:
Naarkerotics - Gwen Greenears - Star Blaze - Chrono the Changeling
Ashton - GuyWithAmp
Become a Patron too @ https://www.patreon.com/Ponesmouth
#vore #scat #disposal #Speculo #Mint Chisel #Lunar Baker #Chrono #Big Bellies #Post Vore #Speck's Magical Glowing Cock #NSFW
Aug 24th, 2018