NAME: Pheobe NICKNAMES: Bee, phebe SPECIES: Female Draconequus/pony hybrid PARENTS: Fluttershy and Discord AGE:19 Personality/Background : Pheobe is calm, kind and bit short-tempered. She mostly acts more like her mother after growing up and realizing that you just have to take life the easy way. Which made her a bit lazy, and sadly to discord he could barely teach her to do any sort of magic , she only knows basics like levitating things and summoning white clouds. When Pheobe was younger it was a completely different story, she was more excited and energize to everything, just little bit shy. She liked to play 'pray and predator' with the chickens but not actually harming them just practicing her ways of the draconequus. Nothing to dangerous according to discord. These were according to discord his 'golden moments of his life' ,too sad they vanished. The up bringing of this calmness of her was when Fluttershy decide to pay a visit to Treehugger, and well Pheobe got curious of this new pony and after a while Treehugger slowly influenced her in being easy going and pay more attention to your surrounding's. Discord hated this and try as much as possible to not let his little bee closed to her, but sadly it was too late and Pheobe self taught herself on being calm and nature loving. Despite discord hating that his little bee is not the bundle of energy as she was before, he still loves her a lot and sometimes even likes this new personality of hers since it reminds him of his beloved and adorable Fluttershy, though he still hates Treehugger. Little facts: -Pheobe used to be bully when she just entered school because they made fun of her long ears, until Fluttershy found out and decided to move schools -Since Pheobe wasn't born with wings (not the one on her shoulders) she was more difficult for her to float and not very high either -She has Fluttershy's piercing "glare" -She taught herself on how to play the flute -She can't communicate with animals that well like fluttershy