After Chris Chan dragged Pipp through the portal, Pipp keeps resisting harder as he tries to get her in his truck.
Pipp: rolls her eyes at him looking at her clothes ripped and stained with Cheeto dust Like what you see? Take a picture, it'll last longer. 🙄
Chris Chan: takes the picture I'll always cherish this. ❤️
Pipp: Save your slobber, dog.
Chris Chan: Can't, now that I have you.. feels her hips then up her body Like a dog with a bone~
Pipp: Well, since you kidnapped me; I expect you to buy me dinner every night, the MOST expensive dates and designer clothes, latest iPhones as they come out, latest PCs as they come out continues listing the longer he keeps feeling her
Chris Chan: thinking Ok, she's demanding too much for being a hostage I plan to marry.. I'm gonna have to Nape Chop her a__..
Pipp: Oh, and you also have to- feels him back away Not worth feeling up anymore, am I Chris Chan? feels him karate chop her Nape What the- DID YOU REALLY JUST TRY TO PUT ME TO SLEEP WITH THAT ANIME A__ CHOP?!
Chris Chan: That usually works in Dragon Ball, why not you- sees her crown Oh.. That's why it didn't work..
He pulls out his racket and hits Pipp on the top of her head with the hilt knocking her out
Chris Chan: Now.. points at her CLOTHES BEAM!
Pipp: her clothes turn into full maid attire Mmmm~ Zzzzzzz
Chris Chan: takes the cuffs off then ties her hands behind her back and ankles together Much better. puts tape on her mouth then puts her in the back of his truck
1 hour later
Pipp: feels a bump from the truck being driven through Crystal Prep Hmmmmm-Mmmm! >////////<
Chris Chan: Hey babe, you're awake! We're almost home, sing with me; This is my favorite part!
Pipp: Mm? surprised how Crystal Prep got merged into outworld
Chris Chan: 🎶Good lovin', body rockin', knocking' boots all night long~ Makin' love until we tire to the break of dawn~🎶
Pipp: NMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMPH! faints again from his horrible singing
Chris Chan: Heheheh, I knew it was knock-dead good. turns it up and sings louder
Pipp despite being knocked out manages to scream in her sleep til her voice gave out
With no way to track footsteps after using a portal, it may be impossible to save Pipp Petals before anything more happens to her.
(Note: I used LyricgemVA's Crystal Prep background, but the truck's inside takes up so much that you would've never guessed where.)