If you’re not quite sure what went wrong, don’t worry;
She doesn’t seem to know either.
It’s Derpy Hooves!
Like dang, how long’s it been since I've posted her?
2021?? A long ass time XD
It appears that everyone’s favorite walleyed background waifu has gotten herself tangled up into a most peculiar predicament… I suppose thus is the circumstance that entails attempting to get a nice sharp tip on your No. 2 (whilst wearing cute & comfy long-sleeved clothing). But I mean hey, at least she succeeded at the initial goal!
I’m sure she’ll figure a way out of this pickle somehow, juuust give her some time..😅
Derpy's outfit is primarily based off of her festival dress from 'Let It Rain' (and by extension, 'Sunset's Backstage Pass'). As for the undies, I knew I wanted her bra to be white, but her panties went through a couple iterations. In the end tho, the Bryan Hyland combo struck again!
Also, you'd probably never be able to guess this, but the classroom is based on a classroom.
I actually have another image idea involving a pencil sharpener I might share down the line involving the friendship princess herself, so I guess we'll see if ever that comes to fruition lol.