Hey everyone,
Welcome to another instalment of the "Randoms" project, wherein I redesign a random character from my roster and give them a little lore.
And today, my friends, it is the turn of Semechki!
Semechki is a 33 year old unicorn originally hailing from Stalliongrad, and now living and working at her successful farm near Oataca, cultivating sunflowers and producing Sunflower Oil. Naturally, her mother tongue is the Equestrian equivalent of Russian, though she speaks standard Equish fluently with a fairly thick accent.
Mild mannered, and known to be kind and gentle, Semechki is a well loved member of her community, who is always really to go the extra mile for her friends and family. She is a pleasant employer to work for, who pays her employees fairly, but expects her workers to work hard within reason.
Physically, Semechki is sturdy and strong, being a little broader of shoulder and barrel, although otherwise she is of average height and weight for a unicorn mare. She is not adverse to using magic to assist the growth of her beloved sunflowers, but this is only ever used as a last ditch effort to save a failing crop.
Doing this never results in a larger or better crop, and in effect, it ruins the field by forcing ALL the nutrients from the soil into the plants at a massively accelerated pace. This always results in a field needing to be left fallow for at least year or so before it can be cultivated again.
Outside of work, Semechki loves to read, often crime thrillers, but occasionally trashy romance novels. As well as that, she enjoys spending time with friends, and writing letters home to her family. She is teetotal, and does not drink alcohol for any reason, neither does she smoke at all, even though Equestrian tobacco is non-harmful.
When it comes to more personal matters, Semechki is single, heterosexual, and has no preference as to the species of a prospective suitor. She is considered by many to be a rather pretty mare, and curvy in all the right places- she herself feels that she's "plain Jane," but she appreciates the compliments, regardless.