Yoshimon1 said:
Let's check the train schedule before we head back home, not only for direct connections but also from Ponyville or Canterlot in case Honorshine has any things left to do. Afterwards, we can try to be a good host and offer her the best place in our bedroom for tonight, between two very huggable ponies! Or a spot next to just one very huggable pony, if she'd prefer that. We can even try to reduce the amount of hugging, though that's a very hard task...
On your way back home, you decide to make a quick detour to the train station to have a look at the schedule there. With the arrival of the cooler season, you figure that a few adjustments are bound to have been made.
Crickets and grasshoppers begin to chirp their nightly autumn songs as the sky fades to a dark blue with a faint glimmer of stars above. Before long, your party makes it to the station, and steps onto its wooden platform to consult the timetable nearby.
According to the timetable, a train to Canterlot is set to depart from Hoofington every three hours, from six o'clock in the morning to nine o'clock in the evening inclusively. From the capital city, other trains then travel to every corner of Equestria.
Honourshine: "And this station doubles as an inn? Convenient."
You nod. Speaking of which, you ask Honourshine if she will be returning to the inn in Ponyville.
Honourshine: "No need; this one is closer."
You should have figured as much. Knowing your foalhood friend, she likely checked in and out every day, if only to avoid the inconvenience of having to go back later. That being the case, you decide to playfully invite her to stay at your house instead. You even offer her the best spot on your bed: the middle one!
Honourshine: "Good one, Blaze."
Well, you tried.
Moonflower: "Ooh! Ooh! How 'bout you stay with Blazer, and I go have a sleepover with Windcaller? He's one of our friends."
Honourshine: "Don't feel the need to intrude on my account."
Moonflower: "He doesn't mind! I always go to his place when Blazer's studyin' magic all night with Crystal Charm. And that way, I can tell him all 'bout where we're goin', and then he can tell everypony else!"
Honourshine: "Uh... w-well, it's your bed. I wouldn't want to take your own place from you."
Moonflower: "It's okay, we washed the sheets jus' yesterday! An' we only had fun in the wet room before takin' a bath, so we went to bed super clean, too."
Honourshine: "... That's not what I meant, but thanks for the imagery."
Moonflower: "Heeheehee...!"
You notice that while Honourshine doesn't seem interested in sharing a bed with both of you at once, she doesn't protest sharing a bed with you alone as much. It looks like yet again, it is up to you to make a decision.
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