Huzzah! My first drawing posted here on Derpibooru. Get used to my long muzzle style. For those of you looking for stories, you're in luck. I've made one to go with practically every drawing I've made! Most of them are really long though, so I'll abridge them for your viewing pleasure. ahem.
Rarity has been having some trouble sleeping for a long time now. Her friends were getting worried, so they decided to go and ask her what was wrong. Rarity seemed a bit reluctant to give the answer at first... but eventually she said her house was haunted! Terrible stuff. Twilight, being the more "scientific explanation" type of pony obviously didn't believe Rarity. She said it was probably just a hallucination due to her lack of sleep. But just to be safe, they all offered to sleep over for the night.
Nothing really happened for a while. That was until after Pinkie and Fluttershy ventured down to the kitchen, and the clock struck the witching hour... 3 am.
Needless to say, Twilight believes in ghosts now.