Quote: "I move with the moon and stars, and they lead me to places unseen, and adventures untold. My life is ever changing, and never stagnant."
Ocean Moonrise is a 21 year old thestral mare currently living in the market town of Oataca, located about 900 miles due south of Canterlot. Her exact place of birth is a secret that she keeps close to her chest, but it is known that she hails from the region of Trotsylvania- the ancestral home of the Thestrals, otherwise known as Bat-Ponies to the rest of the species of Equis.
She is currently technically unemployed and homeless, but she isn't really bothered about it, and that's a subject that we shall touch on later on in this entry.
She is tall in size for a thestral mare, and though not especially strong or sturdy, she has superb levels of stamina, and is agile and fast, both on the ground and in the air. Ocean does suffer from the Red Curse, and is currently managing it in a very unconventional manner. Other than that, she displays no illness or deviation from the norm.
As to her personality Ocean is a nomadic creature, never staying in one place for long, exploring the world as she sees fit. She is a happy and carefree girl, and she makes money by doing odd jobs in the towns that she passes through. She doesn't care much for wider Equestrian society, far preferring her own way of life to a more sedentary one.
However, she is not hostile. Ocean is friendly and affable when mingling with other ponies, and is slow to anger. She does, however, have a tendency to sulk and pout when scolded or whenever she doesn't get her own way. Before long though, she always gets over it and doesn't hold a grudge. Ocean is also very well spoken, and has a somewhat old fashioned manner of speech.
Like many thestral mares, she has a number of cat-like personality traits. She is omnivorous, and hunts small critters and birds for both food, and for blood to slake her darker thirst. However, harvesting animals for their blood is dangerous for one with her condition, and may eventually accelerate the Red Curse to unmanageable levels for her, so she has applied for transfusion bags from the Equestrian Medical Service.
On a frankly adorable note, Ocean can also get the zoomies when excited, and will happily play with a ball of yarn when alone. Contrary to what her name suggests, she has never seen the ocean or any body of water bigger than a large lake. It is a dream of hers to eventually reach the sea one day.
Funnily enough, if she headed east rather than west when she left home those years ago, she would have found the ocean long ago. This is something that she is well aware of, and regularly jokes about.
Ocean doesn't much care what anypony thinks of her, as she most likely won't be hanging around for long anyway. Her only possessions are the strip of black velvet that she uses for a mane tie, and her black leather collar. She also has a coin purse made of the same black velvet as her mane ties.
Ocean is technically bisexual, but tends to prefer male partners. She occasionally takes a partner when in an area for a while, but again, she will eventually disappear into the night leaving behind a heartbroken stallion or mare. This is just the way her brain is wired, and it is not out of malice. She fears constancy, and the thought of things staying the same absolutely terrifies her.
All told, Ocean is an easy mare to befriend, but an incredibly difficult one to truly know, as she doesn't give her full trust easily. Thus far, she hasn't been tied to one place for more than a few months, but of course, she is still young and once she has found her place in the world, she may settle down eventually.