Uploaded by Anonymous #4F82
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![Size: 980x980 | Tagged: safe, artist:arcanelexicon, derpibooru import, oc, oc:quillian inkheart, pony, unicorn, cutie mark, glasses, image, ink, monochrome, png, quill, solo](https://cdn.twibooru.org/img/2024/2/21/3166222/medium.png)
The first piece of art done for Quill, made almost a decade ago! Gods, I'm old.
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+-SH safeUnwatchWatchUnspoilerSpoilerUnhideHideSign in to WatchFilter2399701+-SH artist:arcanelexiconUnwatchWatchUnspoilerSpoilerUnhideHideSign in to WatchFilter101+-SH derpibooru importUnwatchWatchUnspoilerSpoilerUnhideHideSign in to WatchFilter2826649+-SH ocUnwatchWatchUnspoilerSpoilerUnhideHideSign in to WatchFilter1089058+-SH oc:quillian inkheartUnwatchWatchUnspoilerSpoilerUnhideHideSign in to WatchFilter15+-SH ponyUnwatchWatchUnspoilerSpoilerUnhideHideSign in to WatchFilter1525757+-SH unicornUnwatchWatchUnspoilerSpoilerUnhideHideSign in to WatchFilter540200+-SH cutie markUnwatchWatchUnspoilerSpoilerUnhideHideSign in to WatchFilter70405+-SH glassesUnwatchWatchUnspoilerSpoilerUnhideHideSign in to WatchFilter96965+-SH imageUnwatchWatchUnspoilerSpoilerUnhideHideSign in to WatchFilter1149778+-SH inkUnwatchWatchUnspoilerSpoilerUnhideHideSign in to WatchFilter1642+-SH monochromeUnwatchWatchUnspoilerSpoilerUnhideHideSign in to WatchFilter189217+-SH pngUnwatchWatchUnspoilerSpoilerUnhideHideSign in to WatchFilter674069+-SH quillUnwatchWatchUnspoilerSpoilerUnhideHideSign in to WatchFilter3415+-SH soloUnwatchWatchUnspoilerSpoilerUnhideHideSign in to WatchFilter1514869