Though I don't have the story "Scout Sizzle Cymbal" as cannon in my stories, I'm going to have Temboril Tablature's run in with cruel joke as cannon, resulting in 7 clones made of her before her utrus was removed. Tapper, one of three foals that were born naturally within Temboril, and technically the youngest of the seven, is also the most like their mother.
Also, like with her sisters, Tapper retained a bit of the Cruel Joke DNA, resulting in the blue color, and a few non-pony like traits. the 5% dosent effect her life, but she dose give off a pleasant body oder as a result.
She would become a specter, like her mother, along with two other of her sisters, helping maintain order in the small territory Orthrus managed to claim in the Equestria Wasteland.
Her mother BTW