Baby Stabursts~!
Yeah, I’m one of those people who headcanon Luster Dawn to be Starlight and Sunburst’s daughter. Even if it doesn’t make sense, I couldn’t help it because the idea is so cute for me. Meanwhile, this cutie in the lower left is Luster’s baby sibling, Aster.
Some more info below👇
- The reason Luster wasn’t that big on friendship, much like Twilight was, is that she actually did have friends before. However, one fall out after another, along with realizing some of these friends were toxic, left her jaded about friendships. It was only recently that she realised she did miss having friends.
- The siblings regularly visit their grandparents in Sire’s Hollow and while they do love and enjoy spending time with them, bickering between Stellar Flare and Firelight can make these visits feel tedious. Aster is actually a surprise baby, and like Bright Star, has a notable age gap with their sibling.
- While Aster was born male, they did always feel that they weren’t tied to any sort of gender and fully realised they were nonbinary once they were a teen. Starlight was confused on it and even in denial for a bit, but eventually grew to accept them, while Sunburst already had a feeling about it and was supportive from the get-go.
- Luster Dawn was introduced to Twilight and her family when she was rather young, and befriended Breaking Ground. But since it was a long time ago and she had sworn off friendship for a long time, she had forgotten about him for awhile. At least, until they reunited years after. Aster still lives with their parents in Ponyville, being rather young, but they plan on moving to either the Crystal Empire or Sire’s Hollow. While they don’t have a final decision yet, they will make it based on what path they find themselves in.
- The horn and ear markings on Aster may seem random, but these are actually something they have in common with their great-grandmother Sunshine, who’s Sunburst’s grandmother and Sunspot’s mother. Luster Dawn is often in a rush to get to her classes, to the point that she tends to neglect brushing her mane because she wants to be on time. Add that with how she moves around a lot in her sleep, and it makes for a perpetually messy mane.
- For quite some time, Luster Dawn and Lil Cheese dated, even moving in together, but they had far too many differences that they couldn’t agree on anything. One of these many disagreements was on whether or not they would move to Canterlot for Lil Cheese’s business, or stay in Ponyville for Luster Dawn’s schooling. The long back and forth on the topic made them realize that they truly didn’t have much in common and so, it made for little room for a middle ground or compromises, so they sadly broke up. That being said, they’ve moved past that and are now very good friends in the present. Luster Dawn even regularly supports Lil Cheese’s business by recommending her to those who want to set events, or even enlisting in his catering services herself.