Inspired by images such as: [>>3052028](derpibooru.org/images/3052028)
And now to explain the age ratings:
G (General Patronage): Anyone can watch. Suitable for all ages. Kids programming, concert specials, that sort of stuff.
PG (Parental Guidance/Patnubay at Gabay): Kids can watch it, but only with the supervision of a parent, due to the material within. (Pretty sure this is FiM's rating.)
SPG (Strong Parental Guidance/Striktong Patnubay at Gabay): Nasty stuff inside. Keep the kids away. Comes with descriptors for: Themes (Tema), Language (Lenggwahe), Violence (Karahasan), Sex (Sekswal), Horror (Horror) and Drugs (Droga).
X (Disapproved for Airing on Television): Ultra-nasty. Too much for Filipino TV. MTRCB will not let it be aired on any network, at any time (hence the "Image Deleted" spoiler).
You can learn more about on sites like Wikipedia.