Fanart - Rainbow Dash Published: Jan 6, 2012 by InuHoshi
ATTENTION: To my future watchers. If you start watching me for my MLP art, don't watch this account, but my only MLP art account. Newer arts will go up there. Account:
Weeeeell, who started watching My Little Pony: Friendship is Magic? Yeah, the answer is me.:3
I just checked out, because it's so famous nowdays, and I kinda really like it. It has something it makes me watch it, even thought I'm not really a pony/horse person, don't know what is it, thought.XD I'm gonna watch it. It makes my days.:3 It's kinda nostalgic too. Even thought I'm not a horse person I had my My Little Pony stage when I was a kid. Thought, I have to say, I love this seires design waaaaay better, than the old ones.coughcough Anyways...I draw Rainbow Dash, as human. Why? 'Cos I can.X3 And I just wanted it, 'cos I tought it would be fan. And a good practice with humans cough So yeah.^ But I will draw her as pony too. And the other ones to.:3
Oh, yeah, the pic. It's simple and I wanted it like that...that's all.XD
Character (c)
Artwork and human design (c) me
No stealing. Thank you.