"Oh, hello Sunset, I didn't expect to see you here." Applejack said, after appearing from the giant size portal and spotting the other pony some distance from her, in the middle of the city of tinies.
"Applejack! We haven't seen a while." Sunset Shimmer smiled, as the earth pony stepped towards her.
"What are you doing here?" Applejack asked after she got close.
"Oh, you know, having fun with tinies." Sunset smirked, glancing downward, were crowds of tiny humans were watched the two giant pony towering over their city.
"Fun you say..." Applejack chuckled a bit. "Mind if I join?" She grinned.
"I don't mind at all, Applejack." Sunset said, stepping to her side a bit, making more room for Applejack. The farm pony smiled friendly at the tiny human who were barely ant size to her. "Well, hello there, little ones." Applejack said softly, kneeling a bit to take a better look.
"Oh, you don't have to do that." Sunset grinned and lifted her tail at Applejack, she looked at her puzzled for a moment, before she took a look at Sunset's tail and saw several tinies hanging from the individual hairs, some were even tangled in her hairs, making Applejack giggle.
"Aw, that is really adorable." She chuckled. "Rarity would love them as jewellery." She said with a wink.
"Oh, I believe that." Sunset said, giggling too. "Why don't you take some also." She said, swinging her tail side to side, making the tiny human in her tail hang on for their dear lives, even if they knew that if any of them would fall, Sunset would grab them with her magic.
Applejack didn't need more encouraging and swiped her tail along the street, picking up several tiny humans of her own and she lifted her tail to look at them. "Aw, so many of you." She chuckled. "Hang on there, little ones." She said. "You are about to get a ride of a lifetime." She said, gently swinging her tail and slowly stepped along the narrow street, following Sunset.
After a moment touring the city, being careful not to stet on the tiny vehicles that littered the streets, Applejack heard a strange noise and looked back. To her surprise there were helicopters hovering near her tail and flank. "Hey, don't fly so close!" She said, flipping her tail a bit. She glared are the tiny metal bug flying so close to her rear. She realized that they were trying to pick up the human still stuck on her tail and their tiny efforts amused her.
She lifted her tail again. "Alright, get those little ones off my tail." She said, standing still as the rescue efforts continued. "It would be so much trouble to pick of off in my farm after all." She smirked.