posted on DA a month ago
Cozy Glow canonically is a living diabolical demon incarnate that tried to overtake and enslave the Equestrians alongside Tirek and Chrysalis, but ultimately failed. This version of Cozy is a bit different. She still maintains the canon Cozy's personality and inviting trickery to lure in her prey, but is seen as more annoying than an actual threat. When most Equestrians see her they'll just say "oh hey Cozy. What weirdness are you up to today?" She'll tell them all high and mighty like, but she'll usually goof her own plans up, sometimes becoming a laughingstock. She lives by herself in her own home in Canterlot where she's mature and intelligent enough to take care of herself. She loves luring in adult stallions by seducing them and wearing her booty shorts to lie about her age to get them into trouble with the law afterwards, but this usually backfires on her too since she's mentally a little demon and the law usually scares her off instead. Role reversal in this situation is an all too real thing in reality.
Cozy is friends with Diamond and Silver since they all share the same mentality of wanting to control and dominant others, well more so Cozy and Diamond. Silver is just chill and follows along with what Diamond does. She has access to either of their mansions at anytime. Cozy one day came to Diamond's mansion and asked how she is able to make nearly anyone obediently submit to her, especially stallions. Cozy wants to boss around a stallion. Diamond decided to show her instead of telling her. She was then taken into her room where they all got on her bed. Diamond never let's stallions into her bedroom unless they're butlers, servants or very special guest and important guest...or if she wants a stallion to "toy" around with. She has another room in the mansion her parents set up for her to bring them lower than her to submission. Silver was then behind Cozy then grabbed her. Cozy couldn't move at all from the grey glasses wearing incredible Earth pony's strength. Silver acts as Diamond's bouncer and subduer where she has a knack of capturing and binding anyone of all ages with her strength in inescapable holds.
"You're gonna find one of the ways I make my prey submit to me."
Diamond then sat in front of her, raised her feet up in front of her face and proceeded to slowly plant them into her face.
Cozy: "GOLLY HOLD ON! Your FEET!? I...I d-don't think that will wo-(MMPHH!)
Diamond: "Oh it will. Even to a deviant such as yourself. Now let us begin."
Cozy: "(muffled) Itf' Won weRk!"
Cozy is strong mentally and Diamond knew it so the session lasted for about half an hour when she can normally bring a full grown stallion or mare to their knees within just seconds in complete submission to their mistress. Having to go anywhere near or have Diamond's feet directly on someone's face is the biggest opportunity anyone can have as the girl's feet are big. She takes extra care of them daily and has the best foot specialist at her disposal at anytime to take care of them, also an honor for them. Most of her stallions love it when she forces them on them ground, puts one of her feet on their face and starts belittling them, getting off on getting bossed around and ridiculed while her feet are on their face.
Cozy finally gave in to the point her hair went long and straight. Not even the little imp could resist Diamond's steel buns.
Cozy: "mmmmmmmmm....🖤🖤🖤"
Diamond: "Got you."