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Greetings fellow Ponys.
Even a Princess need to stay in Shape, special when youre living with your Husband on a Farm.
Just because I'm a Princess not mean I sit in the Shaddows and watch the others do their Work.
As Member of the apple Family I will of course help Mac, AJ and Bloom with the Farmwork.
Theres always something to do, since Sweet Apple Acres has expand and not just produce apples and Products from them, but even Vegetables.
Sometimes I help Carot top with her Fields (we are Neighbors, so we help eachother).
The Gym in Ponyville is well stocked with everything I need to keep me in Shape, special after my Daughter Butter Bloom was born.
Bulk Biceps, the Owner of the Gym first worked in the Spa as Masseur, but then he has start his own Business.
He is still connected to the Spa, so after the Workout, many Visit the Spa to relax.
If you are in Ponyville the next Time, give it a try. ;-)
Hope you like this Picture of me.
Have a nice Day and I see you at the next Upload ;-)
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