“Ya know, ma’am, this is your fourth order of cheeseburger sliders,” the food vendor said as he passed out a grease-soaked paper bag, eyeing Twilight’s heavy physique with a bit of concern. “Ya sure ya wanna still be eatin’ that?”
“Yes, I’m sure. Thank you,” Twilight said firmly before grabbing her food to go, rushing off to avoid any further questions on the matter. She already had to deal with that sort of thing on a near-daily basis.
Opening up the bag, she quickly reached for one of the burgers and stuffed nearly half of it into her hungry mouth, biting and chewing into its cheesy savoriness. It was so delicious, she could almost forgive the eight dollar price tag for two measly burgers.
“Hey, there you are!”
Upon hearing the familiar voice of her boyfriend, Twilight turned around to find Timber running up to her. “Sorry,” Twilight said as she stuffed the rest of the burger into her mouth. “You were taking a while, so I went to get some food.” She kept her full mouth covered up, trying to preserve some common courtesy.
“Yeah, sorry for the wait. Just a… long line to the restroom.” Timber shrugged nonchalantly, subtly pulling down at his shirt.
Twilight smirked at his excuse, gazing at his body from top to bottom as she noted how soft he was starting to look. “Right, of course,” she nodded as she finished swallowing her food.
“So… where should we go now?” Timber asked with a slight blush, eyes wandering as he hoped to steer the conversation elsewhere. “Night’s still young, after all.”
As they began to walk and look around the brightly-lit fairground, Twilight found herself instinctively reaching for the back belt loop of her skin-tight jeans, tugging and adjusting to compensate for her girth. Twilight almost grimaced at the way her whole fat body bounced and wobbled with every bit of movement. “As long as we don’t stop at any more food vendors, I think I’m good.”
Surprised by her request, Timber turned towards her, taking another look at how much she’s grown since his last visit. “No offense, Twi,” he playfully scoffed, “but since when have you been trying to cut back?”
She rolled her eyes with a half-smile. “Since I’ve eaten about 50 dollars worth of fried fair food,” she stated frankly.
Hearing that, Timber was a bit taken aback. “I was gone for, like, 20 minutes. How much did you even eat?” He just had to ask, more out of curiosity than anything else.
“Let’s see… Two funnel cakes, three foot-long corn dogs, a fried pickle, an extra-large cola, and… oh!” Twilight reached into her bag once again and took out her last burger. “Seven cheeseburger sliders. This is my eighth.” She showed it off as she tossed the empty bag into a nearby trash bin.
Timber’s eyes widened. Though, knowing what he knew about this Equestrian magic going around, he was not too surprised. Really, he was quite impressed, and maybe a little concerned. “That… is a lot of food.”
“Yes, and it was all so good!” Twilight insisted. “Well, except maybe the cola. It had to have been a generic brand or something. But that’s beside the point.” She continued to explain as she took a quick bite. “I need to cut back for tonight. If I keep eating like this, I swear I’m going to end up in a food coma.”
“Well... If that happens, I can always carry you back to my truck,” Timber tried to reassure.
“Pfft!” Twilight chuckled aloud, raising her eyebrows at such an idea. “Oh, really?”
“Yeah. Really.” Timber said earnestly, smiling but also a little offended by his girlfriend’s laughter.
“You know I’m like 300 pounds now, right? Probably more from all the food I just ate.”
“So? That’s like the weight of two people. I can still totally carry you.”
“You want to bet?” She teased.
“You wanna lose?” He teased her back.
Getting rather enthused by Timber’s confidence, Twilight wanted to see how far this could go. “Alright, lumberjack. If you can lift me up and carry me at least 10 feet, we’ll… go to that pine tree convention you wanted to attend. I’ll even pay for the tickets.”
“Fine, rocket scientist,” Timber jokingly rolled his eyes. “And if I can’t lift you up at all, then we’ll… watch any eight-hour documentary of your choosing. All in one sitting.”
“On second thought, Timber, let’s call this whole thing off! Before we hurt ourselves?” Twilight pleaded, bracing for a potential impact.
As he struggled under the hefty weight of his girlfriend while the blood rushed to his head, Timber managed to smile with relief. “Deal!”
Twilight - 309 lbs
Timber - 170 lbs