I have finally finished the First version of my Cutiemark vault with cutiemarks! This is basically a way to keep cutiemarks organized and have a bit of fun as well to make the vault a little useful the following cutiemarks are as follows:
Row 1: Whirlwind elegance, Spirit Dancer, Shadowstep Pamela Gheist, Ocean Pop, Zandeega, Bone Scatter, Chris
Row 2: Nightwish, Flog, Mud Puddle, Rafa, Rarity, Ruby Sugar, Sugar Brew, Fluttershy
Row 3: Peach Frosting, Berri, Train Wreck, Khunis Jirall, Pepper Pop, Jasper Pie, Hashbrown III, Creamsicle
Row 4: Fast Forward, H20 Delirious, Night Fly, Sunny Breeze, Haranae, Hazmat, Sugar Plum, Aeria
Row 5: Stacks, Midnight Sermon, Poffee, Sprakk Rye, Honey Suckle Wand, Swiss Army, Wishy Washy, Sunset Shimmer
Row 6: Silver Quill, 13th doctor, Tornado, Misty Lilly, Arcane Gears, Artisan, Starfire, The Last Unicorn
Row 7: Starr, Sea Spray, Winged Racer, Code Blue, Tree Hugger, Twilight Sparkle, Treble, Nephrite
Row 8: Smoker, Red Shade, Trixie, Keira Starlight, Pinkie Pie, Rainbow Dash, applejack, celestia
Row 9: Luna, Mist, Starlight, Railroad Million, Momma Cider, Big Macintosh, Shimspect, Echo
Row 10: Aurora, Mirage, Wishful Eyes, Amani, Ziri, Cadence, Parcly Taxel, Nightmare Moon
Row 11: Greens Notes, Crossfire, Nurse Redheart, Andromeda, Spitfire, 16 Pounder, Oldie Accountant, Architecture Ruler
Row 12: Hummingbird, Blaze Inferno, Legacy Duck, Viper, Thunder Rider, Citrus Wish, Oyster, Shifting Gears
Row 13: Kamala Khan, Scarlet Rose, Zecora, Lyra Heartstrings, Commander Firebrand, Aramau, Wishing Rainbow, Ayn Wye
Row 14: Lightning Bliss, Mary Sue, ThatGrayCartoonPony, Onyx Charge, Arc Spark, Mai Lotus, Firecracker, Heartistry
Sorry about the long list of characters but that's only scratching the surface I'm afraid. I hope you enjoy this As much as I do.
Cutiemarks ((and the characters they belong to)) belong to their respectful owners
((Cutiemarks may belong to different ponies that will not entirely appear in the oc tags))
drawn by: johnathon-matthews me