"what are you...."
"Silence, slave." Egg General Celestia commanded, instantly cutting off the arguments from her captive Rainbow Dash.
One of her rubber encased hands moved to run over the shoulders, teasing the shining wonderbolt suit without mercy. The loud creaks rang through the air in a way that deeply pleased the completely corrupted Princess of the Sun, drawing some arousal into her body that she had never felt before submitting. The warmth behind her ample chest swelled as she stared down at the egg insignia across Dash's face, right between the ears. Her ears could perk just enough to hear some of the endless noise as it drilled into the mare's brain.
"You are going to serve." She whispered, the words piercing right through that internal haze.
"I am going... to... nnf..." The captive moaned softly as the machine started to pleasure her, yet she was just able to slip away.
Her willful attitude had left her resistant to the mind altering practice of the Egg Drones, but it wouldn't last. Soon the feeling of rubber would blend into her brain, replacing her free will with the concept of submission and service. Celestia could already see the horniness stepping in, but now there was a lack of individuality in her movements. Everything just seemed to be more generic than it was a few moments ago, the same as all of her other captives she'd been holding onto. The knowledge that Rainbow Dash would soon become nothing but a tool for her Master gave her a great feeling of inner pride.
"You are a slave." She continued, casually programming her former ally.
"I am a slauh!" She almost finished the phrase, eliciting a rewarding breast grope from the taller regent. What was left of Princess Celestia had no goal but to finish enslaving her charges into an army of Egg Drones. She even glanced at the mask beside, holding up the suit to match. A faceless mare was an obedient machine, after all.
"You're going to wear this suit, you know." Celestia whispered as she lifted the rubber clothing. It creaked, though Dash couldn't see it. "And endure an eternity as a faceless slave. After all."
She leaned in, adding one last programming.
"You aren't a person. You're an Egg Drone."
"I'm not a person. I'm an Egg Drone." The newest recruit monotonously repeated before moaning at her first stimulated orgasm. Celestia beamed, knowing it was over. Dash was one of them now. A tool for the Eggman Empire.
Story by :iconzylogaroh: