Da desc:
Cozy took off, flying away into the forest. Flurry’s calling did no good and this time she couldn’t find the strength to go after her. The sound of Cozy’s wings flapping faded away. She was now out of sight. Flurry sat on the ground in the same spot Cozy had been. She hung her head and a tear started to form in her eye. She then heard footsteps behind her and knew right away who it was. She turned her head to see Twilight and most of the others behind her. She too had a very worried look on her face.
“Did you hear any of that?” she asked.
“The whole thing,” Twilight said, sullenly.
Flurry slowly got up and walked over to her aunt. When she got to her, they shared a hug with Flurry still crying.
“And to think all these years I was searching for her parents, only to find this,” said Twilight, petting her niece’s head.
“Do you think her real parents are still out there?”
“I’m sure they are, and I’ll continue to look for them. They are undoubtedly the key to reforming her.”
Flurry continued to cry into Twilight’s shoulder as some of the others came in to join them.
Full story: https://www.fimfiction.net/story/504432/flurry-hearts-story-dream-of-alicornication
Twitter Desc:
And now here's where it gets super emotional. If you were disappointed that Cozy never got any proper origin stories or an explanation for why she's so evil in the show, this might help.
#FlurryHeartsStory #MLPFIM
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