There's a dragon thread on /mlp/! I wrote some green about Anon, Eris, and this cutie living together - Eris being a [relationship unknown] towards Anon (Eris sees Anon as a boyfriend and Leloshem as her metamour, Lelo sees her as a rival for his affections... but will definitely girlfriend her if Anon does agree to the noodle, and Anon sees her as a physically affectionate close friend - very close to FWB but not quite).
Someone in the thread was a big fan of this, and asked for details on what Lelo looks like. I described her a bit, then realized "wait a sec, I have a drawing tablet!" and just drew her quickly - about half an hour.
purple-blep is also in that thread and some Anon just said that they're gonna draw Leloshem as well - dunno if it's purple but either way oh my gosh oh my gosh oh my gosh I'm so excited I never get fanart for my fics
If anyone from that thread happens to see this: Leloshem's name comes from roughly-translated Hebrew, lelo (without) shem (name).