Caramel had just opened her eyes,they were droopy as always.Unbeknownst to Caramel it was just the crack of dawn. She begrudgingly walked into the hallway, the snores of her parents in the next room echoed. Even though the clops of her hooves and the creaks of the floor were deafening,surprisingly the snores continued.Caramel always woke up first,not that she wanted to, she just did. Her long tail dragged across the floor, picking up the slightest amount of dust. Her face was met with warmness as she opened the door. The sun was rising and so was her excitement for the day. She plucked a nearby wheat strand and held it in her mouth. A smile crept onto her face as she looked at the colorful sky, a new day at the farm was never boring. Time taken: 2 hours & 43 minutes