Colored version, "original sketch":/images/2629862 which itself is was lightbox sketched and GIMP'd to make an improved version of "the original.":/images/2424691 As well as "the other version.":/images/2629846
Woke up one day and decided to color this. The background here took heavy inspiration from "Daisy-Pink71's Lucy's Plant Peril":
A series that was a heavy inspiration for this pic in general. I also tried to do shading similar to that series, but that didn't work out so well. So here it is in flat colors.
The other inspirations here are as the original sketch. All of Xorza's plant transformation/vore pics in general were an inspiration of course. For this specifically is "Ponut Joe's Mane-iac's naughty tentacles":/images/929073?q=sunset+shimmer+AND+tentacles The inspiration for making a willing version of the original, that's a little harder to pin down. It probably comes from the same place that wanted to make "Twilight be a willing mummy.":/images/2628485