Originally posted on: July 31, 2020, 2:52 PM UTC
*MLP HarmonyVerse: Princess Harmony*
Name: Harmony
(Full Name: Princess Harmonized Vocals)
Parents: Twilight Sparkle/Rainbow Dash/Pinkie Pie/Applejack/Rarity Belle/Fluttershy
Gender: Female [She/Her]Princess Harmony. A very well-known mare around Equestria, most for being the heir of Princess Twilight Sparkle. She was conceived by her mothers, and created by magic, combining all six mares’ <span class="caps">DNA</span>. The fact that Harmony is an Alicorn was no surprise to her mother Twilight; She in fact hoped she would be born an Alicorn- and so she did. Harmony is considered a lucky Princess, being trained under the wing(s) of the other Princesses who came before her. She is one of the older siblings from her family, and as such she has many younger siblings. She loves all of them dearly.
edit: updated her CM
Referenced base by TeePew
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