Story Recap!
So by each panel…
Comet Tail seeing Peppermint for the first time, feeling all suave and putting on his ‘usual’ charm. He expects her to be a fan and be all over him.
His fantasy breaks and real life hits hard when she calls him down and explains she never heard of him. She isn’t falling for his charm and wants nothing to do with him.
After such a hard rejection and the knowledge of somepony who doesn’t know him, fascinates him. He immediately falls for her and needs to know more about this strange mare who doesn’t know him. Meanwhile Pattie storms off just annoyed, hoping she never see’s this stallion again.
After a few days Pattie does unfortunately see Comet Tail again who then proceeds to shower Pattie with gifts day in and day out. He tries many items from flowers, chocolates, notes, etc. Sadly all go to the trash due to Pattie’s lack of interest, unknown to Comet.
Weeks go by and Pattie hasn’t heard from Comet since his last gift, which she left untouched due to her own problems. Feeling a tad lonely due to Hearts and Hooves day she decides to humor herself and see what was inside. She finds a plush dog and a note simply asking for a coffee date and nothing more. Not wanting to be alone during the holiday she accepts hoping he will still take her up on the offer after such a long silence.
Pattie and Comet then proceed to go on a friendly date and get some coffee. Pattie learns a bit more about Comet and how he is a race pony, thus why he was so cocky when they first met. She is much happier to see a more real side of him as she has some laughs with him.
After their date Pattie has a new form of respect for Comet and feels a little closer to him. Unknown to the both of them though, they become the talk of the town. A famous race pony hanging out and having coffee with a strange mare. Comet’s fan become jealous…
During a walk home from work one day, three mares then harass Pattie by throwing rocks at her, cutting her above her eye. They confront her about her time with Comet Tail and tell her to stay far away from him for he is one of their special someponies. A shouting war starts between Pattie and the lead mare before Pattie storms off in a fit of anger.
In a fit of anger and sadness, Pattie contemplates her life and relation with Comet Tail. She keeps telling herself that Comet means nothing to her and she has no romantic feelings towards him, despite what others seem to think. The thoughts just confuse and anger Pattie and leave her with mixed feelings.
Trying to take her mind off the horrible things happening in her life she turns to work to distract her. Hoping her boss Mama J, never finds out or asks, as she doesn’t want her involved in her problems.
Work sadly backfires as Comet Tail and a race buddy of his comes to Patties job for drinks, Comet unaware that Pattie works there. In a fit of panic not wanting to see him Pattie retreats from her job giving poor excuses to avoid the front. Blinded by her mixed feelings Pattie crashes into the trash bins outside only to be helped by her friend Fuselight. He patches up her wounds and hears out a few of her troubles with the angry fans. They converse for a short time and share a quick embrace before Pattie is called back to work.
Calling out Pattie’s strange behavior Mama J asks for the details on what’s happening. Pattie still not wanting Mama to know denies her accusations knowing that Mama truly knows. Mama J makes an agreement with Pattie that if the store is closed (since Comet Tail is still there) she has to explain what is going on, despite her pleas not to Pattie finally agrees. She explains all that is going on between Comet Tail, his fans, the attack and her mixed feelings. Not being able to handle the emotions anymore Pattie breaks down and cries in her bosses embrace.
<span class="caps">THERE</span> YA GO! <span class="caps">ALL</span> <span class="caps">CAUGHT</span> UP!
Good fucking lord this took forever… Doesn’t help I lost the whole fucking drawing last time I did it and lost my mind… Panel #8 looked <span class="caps">AMAZING</span> before and now it’s just kind of eh… The emotion in Pattie’s face was just perfect and I couldn’t replicate it the second time. Either way, that’s in the past. This is the closest thing I have to a story right now and I’m so bad about updating it… I’m going to try and get more done soon as I still have more things planned so look forward to that. As always I will still doing individual asks between as well.
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