When it comes to lunchtime, the Queen of Ponyville tends to enjoy herself on a rather familiar pastry that gets the silly eyed alicorn mare all warm and salivating. Usually that being a warm and buttery blueberry muffin, which much to the delight of the Queen and the repetitiveness of the order to the poor royal bakers of Ponyvill castle has become a regular of the alicorn. Fresh Care taking these moments to relax and to allow her more political and leader elements like her Mayor Mare component to be able to deal with the mounds of <span class="caps">BORING</span> paperwork and other documents that a ruler is meant to sign and organize for the town of Ponyville. That and running a family with her horsebando King Righteous Authority and their daughter Princess Young Heart gives this mare quite the hoof-full amount of responsibility to run alongside her royal title. Nevertheless she does her damdest to ensure that her ponies are happy and prosperous while also ensuring their safety and well being are protected. Although in this instance we have our buttered buns Queen being caught in a rather embarrassing position by her loving husband, whom she nick named “muffin”. Although unlike the one she is eating right now, this muffin provides her a lot more pleasure than just a delicious taste….That is for sure..
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