It was a holiday today when I found out about the new change so I decided “Ah, screw it. I’ll draw something” and this was the result. I can’t help but feel that Scootaloo’s body doesn’t match with her age but anyways, here’s my submission and a short story (of a topic I have little knowledge of but here ya go)
Even though Scootaloo wouldn’t hover off the ground for more than three seconds nor give her the ability to fly she still had to preen her feathers so that it wouldn’t get overly dirty. She stopped by the clubhouse and entered it without a second thought. Apple Bloom and Sweetie Belle were out with their sisters. The perfect time to preen her feathers.
She closed the door behind her and looked around her shoulder. She flapped her wings once then let it stay erect for the time being. The pegasus reached in with her mouth and began preening. The time ticked slowly as she carefully cleaned her orange feathers.
When she was done, she ran a hoof on her wings to feel the individual feathers. After double checking her work, she gave herself a nod and ran outside the clubhouse. She leaped over the fence that made sure nopony fell off the clubhouse and used her newly preened wings to glide down. The small wings provided little time for her to glide and she was on the grass before she knew it.
Scootaloo didn’t mind in the slightest and ran off to get her scooter leaning against the tree. She climbed on her scooter and zoomed off. The rush of flight, the feeling of the breeze flowing through her feathers, this is what scootaloo wanted. And maybe, in the near future, she could finally be able to fly for the first time.