Originally posted on: July 10, 2019, 7:36 PM UTC
*flying with mom*
‘‘You coming astrid’‘ ‘‘y-yeah sorry im not very good with flying mom!!’‘ Astrid said waddling around the sky ‘‘i know just let me teach you then you will be 20% Cool!!’‘ ‘‘Okay so what do i do now!!’‘ Rainbow waved her hoof ‘‘hey its simple just watch me ok’‘ ‘‘ok’‘ astrid agreed as she began loosing her self in the sky then watched her mom like she said.She watched as her mom flapped her wings and copied what her mother did she then caught her balance again but then couldn’t hold it and began to fall ‘‘aaaah!!’‘ Rainbow rolled her eyes as to thinking she was over reacting ‘‘oh come on astrid its not that bad…oh no!!!’‘ Rainbow dived down to rescue her daughter ‘‘astrid flapp your wings!!’‘ ‘‘I-i dont know if i can!!’‘ ‘‘Listen to me just believe in your self okay’‘ rainbow grabbed her daughters hooves while falling with her.
Astrid then flapped her wings and squinted her eyes she then began to float up and flapped her wings faster her eyes opened in surprised rainbow saw this and let go then watched as Astrid flew up ‘‘i-im doing it im doing it!!’‘ ‘‘Ha ha yes you are!!’‘ Rainbow then took off flying out and watched her daughter follow up behind her took her hoof and rubbed her head ‘‘see i knew you could do it!!’‘
Some more next gen stuff theres more coming though!