After Anon busted Mayor Mare out of Nightmare Moon’s maximum security prison, the Resistance was emboldened to try and rescue the others still imprisoned inside. Vinyl Scratch and Octavia volunteered, and bravely snuck inside, determined to save as many as they could.
They were caught in less than a minute.
Still enraged at Mayor Mare’s escape, Nightmare Moon gave the two the usual life sentence in permanent bondage, but to make things more difficult for any would-be rescuers, she ordered that the two be imprisoned within a stone sarcophagus. Once the prisoners were inside, the lid and body would be magically fused into a single unit; even if that accursed Anon was able to drag the sarcophagus out of the prison, getting the prisoners out would be all but impossible (and charms embedded in the stone would make it impossible for Vinyl to use her magic). The two wouldn’t starve or suffocate, though: they would be able to breathe, and their SecurU sleepsacks would ensure they got the nutrients they needed and keep them in perfect physical condition, ensuring they’d serve their sentence for decades to come.
Even though she’s strict and harsh, Nightmare Moon isn’t without mercy; Instead of forcing the two to stay awake and go insane inside their tomb, she’d have them cast into a permanent sleep, ensuring they would remain unaware of their predicament… and allow her to occasionally pester them with nightmares.
Now lying within their new home, Vinyl and Octavia look up at their captors, permanently silenced with their new muzzle gags. They’ve watched as other prisoners were sealed inside their sarcophagi, and they know that this is the last time they’ll ever see the outside world; their only hope is that Anon will be able to free them as he did Mayor Mare.
With the grinding of stone against concrete, the guards grab hold of the lid and drag it over.