So here’s part 2 of the series X3
While the series didn’t necessarily get a lot of popularity, I did get a lot of suggestions and I really appreciate all of them <3
Anyways, I decided to do this for part 2 because I felt this could potentially lead it to the other parts X3
This was a combination of 2 suggestions
SplendidJo from Derpi who said “Some same size ov while Pinkie has her face deep in twibutt“
Zaiato from FA who said “Rarity AV’d same size could be fun but OV’d would be just as good”
These were 2 of the earliest suggestions I got and after waiting for a while, I came up with something that can do both. While it doesn’t follow it exactly, I felt this was a great way to start it X3
As for what will happen next, suggestions are still open and would love to hear what you all want :3
Current suggestions for part 3 are
Broaidie from FA “Twilight Sparkle puts Fluttershy inside of Pinkie Pie’s mouth and farts in Pinkie’s mouth.“
UnknownGamer21 from Eka “Flutershy gets AVed by a unwilling Pinkiepie”
But feel free to continue to suggest stuff with any of the remaining preys as I have not made part 3 yet
But I may only give it a day or two this time X3