When Captain Douglas Crewe gave his royal daughter named Princess Sara Crewe a box of the MLP:FiM toy unicorn named Twilight Sparkle, she open it until the symbol with Twilight’s Cutie Mark on it at the front box glows and then, Twilight Sparkle suddenly came to life. Sara was surprised and hugs her as her toy unicorn friend that can talk, walk and had a mind of her own.
Twilight Sparkle will guide, help, encourage and tell everything what is right from wrong to her with all her knowledge. Like Twilight Sparkle, Sara loves reading.
Sara Crewe’s voice sometimes sound similarly to Fluttershy the Pegasus and her personality is in the mixture of Fluttershy and Princess Cadance the Alicorn aka Princess Mi Amore Cadenza.
About the box of toy ponies, unicorns and pegasus, whoever opens it and the jewel or Cutie Mark on the front box glows until each toy pony came to life and became their friends or pets. That’s where toy ponies come from during my and Dustin aka :iconskullzproductions:‘s envisioned version of VeggieTales TV Series.
Make kind, nice, respectful, polite or positive comments please. Also, no mean/negative comments, no critiques or criticisms, no trolls, no offense, no constructive suggestions, no flames and no strong inappropiate language like with the “F” word because it makes me sad or angry, my creativity has no limits and this is IMPORTANT TO ME!!! Only I can make a self critique.
You can help me with my writing and grammar with critiques so I can let some of my friends edit my writing about what are they or any character is doing after they see the comics and actions like Laramie aka VeggieFanGirl did for me at Veggie Hearts, but you can’t criticize my drawings.
This is my style and also, I used all the styles of the movie creators like Butch Hartman and Arlene Klasky who created the American animated television series, “Rugrats”.
Twilight Sparkle the Unicorn © My Little Pony: Friendship is Magic (or MLP:FiM for short) by Lauren Faust