Lucky Star and Daisy had a huge rivalry as kids. Daisy was smart, pretty, popular and almost as good as a flier as Lucky. She didn’t even break a sweat whenever they were in P.E., much to Lucky’s annoyance. A good sweat means you are working hard, right?
The other filly was a rich snob since she was a military brat and her dad was one of the most respected generals in the Canterlot army. Her other dad was a respected and adored wizard who teaches at Twilight's School of Gifted Ponies, which Daisy goes to twice a week. Basically...she is somepony to be reckoned with.
Am going to write dialogue (maybe?) for this but for now…
Daisy probably said something lowkey insulting to Lucky hence why the latter is fluffing up a tizzy. The orange mare liked to one up the other kids in class which Lucky Star used to do too. Now she was being one upped and it sucked.
I always forget about Daisy (Sid). She plays a big part in Lucky Star’s past and Lucky Star hers. Johnny Gold also does too since he is close friends with Daisy (which kind of was a source of jealousy for Lucky). As a daughter of Rainbowdash Lucky Star was a great flier but was kind of an awkward little duckling and was more of a tomboy than anything. She didn’t dislike more traditionally feminine things though but didn’t bond to many things connected to it. The messy pigtails she had was always a source of mirth for Daisy.
I also changed Daisy’s colors because I felt the old ones didn’t really reflect her dads... She still looks a lot like Flash Sentry but she inherited some of Sunburst’s sunny colors. I really love these new colors tbh. She reminds me of something from the Flintstones. The pendant on her neck is to suppress her wing hypnosis so she won't control her peers and cause problems, lol. Both girls are around ten here.
Daisy (Sid) is the daughter of Sunburst and Flash Sentry, Lucky Star is the daughter of Derpy Hooves and Rainbowdash. Sid's ref needs to be updated with her new colors, I guess.