A Birthday/Fairwell gift for Tw1st3dsoul as he has left for the next 3 months to do important duties elsewhere.
He’ll be back, just not for a while.
His circle of friends give him a salute for his bravery and dedication.
And thank you for serving, Twotail!
We’ll miss you, Buddy.
Creatures Featured in this Art
Twotail the Fox-Pony hybrid owned by Tw1st3dsoul
Self the Stick Figure owned by Quantumpinkie
Whooves the Unicorn owened by WhoovesPON3
Bliss the Pegasus owned by Nek0-butt
Ana the Deer-Pony owned by Pallygyrldashie
Blue the Butterfly-Pony owned by Bluebutterflyart1
Andrea the Unicorn owned by Iheartjapan789
Coconut Cake the Pegasus owned by Kagome235
Zehara the Masaii Giraffe owned by Kawaiidubbychan
Jerry the Snake Plant owned by Jerrykun
Drake the Unicorn owned by Carefuldrake
Obi the African Elephant owned by TheFriendlyElephant
I don’t know about you guy’s, but we are the weirdest herd I’ve ever seen!