Fillies and Gentlecolts! Are you ready for some EXTREME action? Excitement? DEATH-DEFYING STUNTS!? Well, you won’t find ANY of that in my Season 8 Homework Assignments, but I DO have some episode comics to share with you! This week’s comic is based on The Washouts, a truly beautiful Scootalove episode about rebellion, egos, and not letting a major setback in life keep you from doing what you love. It was good to see Lightning Dust again, and it makes me happy to know that she’s doing well despite the events of Wonderbolt Academy. I adored this episode; one of the best of season 8!
Why thank you, episode, I’ll gladly take an excuse to draw the Cutie Mark Crusaders again! Weird that Apple Bloom and Sweetie Belle weren’t in this episode at all… even if just in the background on the bleachers that “everypony in Ponyville” were apparently occupying. Pretty sure they’d want to see their friend perform in the big leagues in something she’s always enjoyed. These two are basically me watching a new pony episode: two parts of my brain having a back and forth asking questions and rationalizing canon, sometimes causing me to miss important parts of an episode. At least in my case I can replay the episode online later…
Hope that whatever setbacks you face in life, you keep striving for something great. Looking forward to the next episode!
Apple Bloom, Sweetie Belle, and My Little Pony belong to Hasbro and DHX.