GearLYA GLS-96 GLSALS (1996 Gear Life Software)(GLS Ambient Learning System) (Third Eissma robot Generation)
My fourth OC pony GearLYA GLS is a robot pony, she’s a bit slow to act and respond because her RAM memory is low. Her model is considered obsolete, her last software update was on 4 Nov 2004 20: 32Hrs. She has been very cared for by her friends and her system works properly. Not the only one of its model, also is its sister GearRose GLS and its brother GearLite GLZ. Her ability is understand and simulate emotions, an experimental learning file on the behavior of the outside world that all ofher generation (including her brothers) could not execute being the only one that acts as a “real” pony. She is “in love” of NanoMaxz, a robot pony of last generation. NanoMaxz calculates that it isa dependency to“autocomplete” And that it turns out to be a strange case since the systems only concern themselves with the operation and execution of their own and not that of others, especially him.