Cozy Glow as Darla Dimple
The CMC as Danny
Bulk Biceps as Max
Editing: Shadows for Applebloom and Cozy Glow
In this version, The CMCs reluctantly made a deal with Cozy Glow for being a friendship tutors to her in Friendship School when Cozy starts singing “Big and Loud”.
Cozy Glow: Do you want to be my dearest and BEST tutors of this School of Friendship?
Applebloom: (signs) Yes we do. Anything for you. (Shakes her hoof with Cozy)
Cozy Glow: It’s a deal. Thank you, my FRIEND.
Sweetie Belle: (gasp) Oh, no!
Scootaloo: That is so sick!
(Bulk Biceps transforms the place into a romantic or hope room with the piano that he’s now playing it)
Cozy Glow: (singing) I see them come, and I see them go, There is one thing that I know You gonna give all ponies what they want, or you’ll wind up back in original School of Carratee
Applebloom: It’s Cheerilee, Cozy.
Cozy Glow: Whatever. (resumes singing) They like it Big, they like it Loud, maybe a little bit jazzy sometimes Applebloom, Sweetie Bell and Scootaloo, listen to me, you don’t hafta be good, but you had better be…
Bulk Biceps: Get hot, Miss Glow.
Cozy Glow: BIG and LOUD! Big and Loud! Gonna make your big sistas proud! Make it Big… annnnnnd… LOOOOOOUUUUUUUDDDD!