Caraway (nicknamed Curry) is the daughter of Zecora and Saffron Masala!
She’s a herbalist and also a great cook (she was obviously taught by Saffron herself, and know a lot about both Indian and African cuisine) She knows everything about spices and herbs. Although Saffron Masala turned into a renowed chef (she stills owns her only restaurant at the same place, it was just expanded) Curry still lives in the middle of Everfree forest and enjoys the free lifestyle she has living in the wild.
Although Curry is pretty kind and well mannered around her civilian friends, she just doesn’t seems to adjust to most of the aspects of an urban and civilized lifestyle. Most ponies would consider her way of doing things primitive, but she enjoys it. She’s able to use her senses to the fullest in many ways, such as, for example, knowing what kind of creature is approaching just by listening to their steps on the ground.
Caraway seems to have some ferocious wild african animal blood running through her veins and that pretty much explains the kind of pony she is. She’s able to hunt if she wishes to and can pretty much knock down a deer or an antilope in a hoof to hoof fight, maybe even bigger animals normally considered her natural predators. She can look like a cheerful and ingenuous young lady but I wouldn’t buy a fight with her if I were you. Sort of like Zecora’s rhymes, Curry has some habit of using nature related metaphors, some people find that slightly confusing. Some might find it pretty dangerous to live like she does but Curry enjoys her life and finds the adrenaline thrilling.