I drew this image for the Friendship (Twilight Sparkle) Day 2017 of Equestria Daily. The first idea was to draw another alicorn pony princess, but then I realized I had drawn a number of powerful princesses lately and instead I wanted to come up with a different Twilight for a change. This scene is inspired by the episode “Stare Master” (S1E17) in which Twilight ends up turned into stone by a cockatrice because she went into Everfree Forest to get some tea from Zecora. The idea of a curious Twilight, not yet as extremely powerful as she will be, entering Everfree Forest (which appeared a lot more dangerous back then) and noticing that maybe it was a bad idea to go there all by herself was one I really liked. I first drew her with pencil and metallic gel roller pens (which I may try again on a thicker paper in the future) before I decided to create a digital version of the scene instead.