And just like that, Twilight Sparkle realized what her purpose was.
For months now, she had questioned why she had become the newest Equestrian princess. Celestia, in all her glory, raised the Sun and was the chief executive of the land; Luna ruled beside her sister, protected the night, and raised the Moon; finally Cadence watched over the Crystal Empire with the love of her life.
But Twilight? She smiled. She waved. She lowered banners and made for a lovely decoration.
This all changed when the other princesses gave Twilight their power. Twilight wasted no time mastering the intense bursts of magical energy that now rippled through her entire being. She had easily defeated Tirek: crushing him with only a few blasts. Standing over him now she gathered her energy, preparing a spell that would suck the stolen magic out of his lifeless form and transfer it to her. Soon she would have all the magic in Equestria. Soon she would fulfill her true purpose.
Soon she would become the new Queen.