“Little Pip – You’re Welcome”
LITTLEPIP: So what I believe you were trying to say is “Thank you.”
INSERT OC HERE: Thank you?
LP: You’re welcome!
IOH: I— what? That’ not what I was… wait. What?
LP: Okay, okay.
I see what’s happening here.
You’re face to face with a legend and it’s strange.
You don’t even know how you feel. It’s adorable!
It’s nice to see wastelanders never change.
Check your Pip-buck, let’s begin.
Yes, it’s really me Littlepip. Breathe it in!
I know it’s a lot, the crown, the hair.
When you’re staring at the Lightbringer!
So what can I say? Except… You’re welcome!
For parting the clouds in the sky.
Hey! It’s okay, it’s okay. You’re welcome!
For taking on that ol’ Red Eye!
Hey! What has four hooves and brought you sunshine?
Oh you know, no one just me, guy!
Who rained food from the sky to the masses down below?
You’re looking at her, yo!
Oh! Also I stomped the Enclave into dust.
You’re welcome! Before I took down the Goddess.
And just so you know I set some slaves free.
You’re welcome! And even boned DJ PON-3!
So what can I say? Except… You’re welcome!
For not becoming some mindless raider.
Hey! It’s okay, it’s okay. You’re welcome.
I’m just an ordinary stable dweller!
You’re Welcome! (You’re welcome!)
You’re Welcome!
Well come to think of it…
Friend, honestly I can go on and on
I sacrificed so much to help everyone
Calamity and Velvet can testify
They picked up the slack while I was gone, right?
I helped out the Talons, I got their respect.
Now Gawdina’s a bonafide president.
What’s the lesson? What is the takeaway?
Don’t mess with Pip if she’s on the straight away!
And the stories you hear on the radio
Is the proof of my heroic deeds, yo!
Just made rainbows and sunshine happen.
Come on everypony, get laughin’ and dancin’!
And tappity tappinin’! Hey, hey, hey, Hey!
Well anyway let me say you’re welcome!
For the wonderful Wasteland you know!
War never changes, so you’re welcome!
Well come to think of it I gotta go!
Hey it’s your day to say you’re welcome!
‘Cause I’m gonna need that veritbuck.
I’m flying away, away! You’re welcome!
Goodbye, good health, and good luck!
You’re welcome! (You’re welcome!)
You’re welcome!
LP: Just… don’t mention Arbu.
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