I don’t have much time. You must listen to me. They’re back. Discord and King Sombra. And they’re working together. They’re more powerful than I’ve seen them. They took her, Celestia. My sister… My dear sister.. They… They’ve changed her. I don’t know what they’ve done… But her cutie mark is gone, her color is gone.. She’s all gray, except for her eyes. And she’s using dark magic, stronger than anything I’ve known. She doesn’t recognize me… I can’t stop her by myself. She has already injured me. I can’t fly, I can hardly walk. I’ve taken shelter in one of the rooms in the castle, but I know I won’t be safe for long. You must prepare yourself, Twilight Sparkle, for I fear you are the only one who can end this. It won’t be an easy task. I’ve deciphered no weakness in her yet. She’s taken the brunt of my spells and hasn’t faltered once. I know I am asking a lot of you, but you and your friends are Equestria’s only hope.
Oh stars above… She’s here.
GO! For Equestria, you must get out as quic-
Don’t ask, I have noooooooo idea.
Also, I hate markers. So much. I hate them. Also, most of the shading (as horrible as it was) didn’t show up, which is really annoying, but what can I do?
Have a random Discorded Celestia using dark magic :D
Ugh I want my tablet pen T_T