Helloooo everyone^Geez, this one took me quite some time and patience to work on xD Seriously, it took me like forever, BUT I did it!^ It is a very special drawing, because it is my contest entry for EStories None :D:la::D:la::D:la:
The task was it to draw your OC as your favourite Video game, cartoon or anime character :) Well, I have to admit, Super Mario Bros was the very first thing I had to think of XD Why? I will explain!
______________________So, the drawing features
Spitfire as Spit- Fire- Mario
me as Lupigi
snoopystallion as Snoopys-Toad
moemneop ´s Lukida as Lakida
va1ly as Curly Cloud
and Rainbow Dash as Bullet Dash :):rofl:So, I really had Luigi in mind when I started thinking about that contest. I can identify with him a bit, because he´s kinda clumsy, shy and naive like I am, so LUPIGI was born :P Besides, Spitfire is my favourite pony and I knew: if I draw a Mario game picture, I can add her as a Fire-thingy xD I didn´t want to make her a fire flower, so she became Spit-FIRE-MARIO :D Hehe, I like how they both turned out with their clothes and even the beards, oh my XD I like it^
I added Snoopy as a happy smiling Toad because he just reminded me on him with the spots, so I just made them black instead of the usual Toad colours :) Additionally, I wanted to make the characters look as similar to their in game characters as possible, so that´s why Snoopy is even smaller and clumsier hehe. I had a lot of fun drawing him being with us^
Okay, Curly Cloud speaks for itself, doesn´t it? XD The cute OC reminded me on a cloud with it´s wool, so I just added a Curly Cloud and a Lakito-like Lukida on it with those Spikey thinks in, who guessed it, Spike´s colours xD The ball itself is purple and has green spikes, just like Spike´s scales :D And last but not least, I had to add Bullet Bill but make him even more awesome^ So let´s choose another really fast character, add some colours and there we go :D But to be honest, Bullet Dash was the toughest part when it vomes to colouring and shading XD I was glad when it was done XDSo in general, i was pretty much fun drawing this picture, but on the other hand, it was kinda exhausting too, sometimes xD I really hope, you enjoy it :D:la::la::la::la::la: